Areca Butterfly Palm Tree Seeds - Indoor/Outdoor Evergreen
Dypsis lutescens / Chrysalidocarpus lutescens
Life Cycle: Evergreen Perennial
Height: 12-30 ft (unless container-bound)
Max Width: 15 ft
USDA Zone: 8-12 (or grown indoors)
Light: Full Sun / Partial Sun
Areca Butterfly Palm Seeds - Dypsis Lutescens
- Common Names = Butterfly Palm, Areca Palm, Bamboo Palm, Yellow Cane Palm
- Most popular palm sold as potted houseplants
- Air-purifying and improves air humidity
- Native to Madagascar
- Low Maintenance - tolerates trimming without serious harm to plant
- Yellow flowers bloom in summer
- Non-toxic to cats/dogs/horses (according to ASPCA)
- Used in Feng Shui - considered to be "lucky"
- Nuts and young leaves are eaten as vegetables in culinary dishes